Source code for astroplan.constraints

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Specify and constraints to determine which targets are observable for
an observer.

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

# Standard library
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import datetime
import time
import warnings

# Third-party
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import get_body, get_sun, Galactic, SkyCoord
from astropy import table

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

# Package
from .moon import moon_illumination
from .utils import time_grid_from_range
from .target import get_skycoord
from .exceptions import MissingConstraintWarning

__all__ = ["AltitudeConstraint", "AirmassConstraint", "AtNightConstraint",
           "is_observable", "is_always_observable", "time_grid_from_range",
           "GalacticLatitudeConstraint", "SunSeparationConstraint",
           "MoonSeparationConstraint", "MoonIlluminationConstraint",
           "LocalTimeConstraint", "PrimaryEclipseConstraint",
           "SecondaryEclipseConstraint", "Constraint", "TimeConstraint",
           "observability_table", "months_observable", "max_best_rescale",
           "min_best_rescale", "PhaseConstraint", "is_event_observable"]

_current_year = time.localtime().tm_year  # needed for backward compatibility
_current_year_time_range = Time(  # needed for backward compatibility
    [str(_current_year) + '-01-01',
     str(_current_year) + '-12-31']

def _make_cache_key(times, targets):
    Make a unique key to reference this combination of ``times`` and ``targets``.

    Often, we wish to store expensive calculations for a combination of
    ``targets`` and ``times`` in a cache on an ``observer``` object. This
    routine will provide an appropriate, hashable, key to store these
    calculations in a dictionary.

    times : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Array of times on which to test the constraint.
    targets : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Target or list of targets.

    cache_key : tuple
        A hashable tuple for use as a cache key
    # make a tuple from times
        timekey = tuple(times.jd) + times.shape
    except BaseException:        # must be scalar
        timekey = (times.jd,)
    # make hashable thing from targets coords
        if hasattr(targets, 'frame'):
            # treat as a SkyCoord object. Accessing the longitude
            # attribute of the frame data should be unique and is
            # quicker than accessing the ra attribute.
            targkey = tuple( + targets.shape
            # assume targets is a string.
            targkey = (targets,)
    except BaseException:
        targkey = (,)
    return timekey + targkey

def _get_altaz(times, observer, targets, force_zero_pressure=False):
    Calculate alt/az for ``target`` at times linearly spaced between
    the two times in ``time_range`` with grid spacing ``time_resolution``
    for ``observer``.

    Cache the result on the ``observer`` object.

    times : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Array of times on which to test the constraint.
    targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`}
        Target or list of targets.
    observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
        The observer who has constraints ``constraints``.
    force_zero_pressure : bool
        Forcefully use 0 pressure.

    altaz_dict : dict
        Dictionary containing two key-value pairs. (1) 'times' contains the
        times for the alt/az computations, (2) 'altaz' contains the
        corresponding alt/az coordinates at those times.
    if not hasattr(observer, '_altaz_cache'):
        observer._altaz_cache = {}

    # convert times, targets to tuple for hashing
    aakey = _make_cache_key(times, targets)

    if aakey not in observer._altaz_cache:
            if force_zero_pressure:
                observer_old_pressure = observer.pressure
                observer.pressure = 0

            altaz = observer.altaz(times, targets, grid_times_targets=False)
            observer._altaz_cache[aakey] = dict(times=times,
            if force_zero_pressure:
                observer.pressure = observer_old_pressure

    return observer._altaz_cache[aakey]

def _get_moon_data(times, observer, force_zero_pressure=False):
    Calculate moon altitude az and illumination for an array of times for

    Cache the result on the ``observer`` object.

    times : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Array of times on which to test the constraint.
    observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
        The observer who has constraints ``constraints``.
    force_zero_pressure : bool
        Forcefully use 0 pressure.

    moon_dict : dict
        Dictionary containing three key-value pairs. (1) 'times' contains the
        times for the computations, (2) 'altaz' contains the
        corresponding alt/az coordinates at those times and (3) contains
        the moon illumination for those times.
    if not hasattr(observer, '_moon_cache'):
        observer._moon_cache = {}

    # convert times to tuple for hashing
    aakey = _make_cache_key(times, 'moon')

    if aakey not in observer._moon_cache:
            if force_zero_pressure:
                observer_old_pressure = observer.pressure
                observer.pressure = 0

            altaz = observer.moon_altaz(times)
            illumination = np.array(moon_illumination(times))
            observer._moon_cache[aakey] = dict(times=times,
            if force_zero_pressure:
                observer.pressure = observer_old_pressure

    return observer._moon_cache[aakey]

def _get_meridian_transit_times(times, observer, targets):
    Calculate next meridian transit for an array of times for ``targets`` and

    Cache the result on the ``observer`` object.

    times : `~astropy.time.Time`
        Array of times on which to test the constraint
    observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
        The observer who has constraints ``constraints``
    targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`}
        Target or list of targets

    time_dict : dict
        Dictionary containing a key-value pair. 'times' contains the
        meridian_transit times.
    if not hasattr(observer, '_meridian_transit_cache'):
        observer._meridian_transit_cache = {}

    # convert times to tuple for hashing
    aakey = _make_cache_key(times, targets)

    if aakey not in observer._meridian_transit_cache:
        meridian_transit_times = observer.target_meridian_transit_time(times, targets)
        observer._meridian_transit_cache[aakey] = dict(times=meridian_transit_times)

    return observer._meridian_transit_cache[aakey]

[docs] @abstractmethod class Constraint(object): """ Abstract class for objects defining observational constraints. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def __call__(self, observer, targets, times=None, time_range=None, time_grid_resolution=0.5*u.hour, grid_times_targets=False): """ Compute the constraint for this class Parameters ---------- observer : `~astroplan.Observer` the observation location from which to apply the constraints targets : sequence of `~astroplan.Target` The targets on which to apply the constraints. times : `~astropy.time.Time` The times to compute the constraint. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BOTH TIMES AND TIME_RANGE ARE SET? time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (length = 2) Lower and upper bounds on time sequence. time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.quantity` Time-grid spacing grid_times_targets : bool if True, grids the constraint result with targets along the first index and times along the second. Otherwise, we rely on broadcasting the shapes together using standard numpy rules. Returns ------- constraint_result : 1D or 2D array of float or bool The constraints. If 2D with targets along the first index and times along the second. """ if times is None and time_range is not None: times = time_grid_from_range(time_range, time_resolution=time_grid_resolution) if grid_times_targets: targets = get_skycoord(targets) # TODO: these broadcasting operations are relatively slow # but there is potential for huge speedup if the end user # disables gridding and re-shapes the coords themselves # prior to evaluating multiple constraints. if targets.isscalar: # ensure we have a (1, 1) shape coord targets = SkyCoord(np.tile(targets, 1))[:, np.newaxis] else: targets = targets[..., np.newaxis] times, targets = observer._preprocess_inputs(times, targets, grid_times_targets=False) result = self.compute_constraint(times, observer, targets) # make sure the output has the same shape as would result from # broadcasting times and targets against each other if targets is not None: # broadcasting times v targets is slow due to # complex nature of these objects. We make # to simple numpy arrays of the same shape and # broadcast these to find the correct shape shp1, shp2 = times.shape, targets.shape x = np.array([1]) a = as_strided(x, shape=shp1, strides=[0] * len(shp1)) b = as_strided(x, shape=shp2, strides=[0] * len(shp2)) output_shape = np.broadcast(a, b).shape if output_shape != np.array(result).shape: result = np.broadcast_to(result, output_shape) return result
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): """ Actually do the real work of computing the constraint. Subclasses override this. Parameters ---------- times : `~astropy.time.Time` The times to compute the constraint observer : `~astroplan.Observer` the observaton location from which to apply the constraints targets : sequence of `~astroplan.Target` The targets on which to apply the constraints. Returns ------- constraint_result : 2D array of float or bool The constraints, with targets along the first index and times along the second. """ # Should be implemented on each subclass of Constraint raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class AltitudeConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the altitude of the target. .. note:: This can misbehave if you try to constrain negative altitudes, as the `~astropy.coordinates.AltAz` frame tends to mishandle negative Parameters ---------- min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` Minimum altitude of the target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` Maximum altitude of the target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. boolean_constraint : bool If True, the constraint is treated as a boolean (True for within the limits and False for outside). If False, the constraint returns a float on [0, 1], where 0 is the min altitude and 1 is the max. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, boolean_constraint=True): if min is None: self.min = -90*u.deg else: self.min = min if max is None: self.max = 90*u.deg else: self.max = max self.boolean_constraint = boolean_constraint
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): cached_altaz = _get_altaz(times, observer, targets) alt = cached_altaz['altaz'].alt if self.boolean_constraint: lowermask = self.min <= alt uppermask = alt <= self.max return lowermask & uppermask else: return max_best_rescale(alt, self.min, self.max, greater_than_max=0)
[docs] class AirmassConstraint(AltitudeConstraint): """ Constrain the airmass of a target. In the current implementation the airmass is approximated by the secant of the zenith angle. .. note:: The ``max`` and ``min`` arguments appear in the order (max, min) in this initializer to support the common case for users who care about the upper limit on the airmass (``max``) and not the lower limit. Parameters ---------- max : float or `None` Maximum airmass of the target. `None` indicates no limit. min : float or `None` Minimum airmass of the target. `None` indicates no limit. boolean_contstraint : bool Examples -------- To create a constraint that requires the airmass be "better than 2", i.e. at a higher altitude than airmass=2:: AirmassConstraint(2) """ def __init__(self, max=None, min=1, boolean_constraint=True): self.min = min self.max = max self.boolean_constraint = boolean_constraint
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): cached_altaz = _get_altaz(times, observer, targets) secz = cached_altaz['altaz'].secz.value if self.boolean_constraint: if self.min is None and self.max is not None: mask = secz <= self.max elif self.max is None and self.min is not None: mask = self.min <= secz elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: mask = (self.min <= secz) & (secz <= self.max) else: raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "AirmassConstraint.") return mask else: if self.max is None: raise ValueError("Cannot have a float AirmassConstraint if max is None.") else: mx = self.max mi = 1 if self.min is None else self.min # values below 1 should be disregarded return min_best_rescale(secz, mi, mx, less_than_min=0)
[docs] class AtNightConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the Sun to be below ``horizon``. """ @u.quantity_input(horizon=u.deg) def __init__(self, max_solar_altitude=0*u.deg, force_pressure_zero=True): """ Parameters ---------- max_solar_altitude : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The altitude of the sun below which it is considered to be "night" (inclusive). force_pressure_zero : bool (optional) Force the pressure to zero for solar altitude calculations. This avoids errors in the altitude of the Sun that can occur when the Sun is below the horizon and the corrections for atmospheric refraction return nonsense values. """ self.max_solar_altitude = max_solar_altitude self.force_pressure_zero = force_pressure_zero
[docs] @classmethod def twilight_civil(cls, **kwargs): """ Consider nighttime as time between civil twilights (-6 degrees). """ return cls(max_solar_altitude=-6*u.deg, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def twilight_nautical(cls, **kwargs): """ Consider nighttime as time between nautical twilights (-12 degrees). """ return cls(max_solar_altitude=-12*u.deg, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def twilight_astronomical(cls, **kwargs): """ Consider nighttime as time between astronomical twilights (-18 degrees). """ return cls(max_solar_altitude=-18*u.deg, **kwargs)
def _get_solar_altitudes(self, times, observer, targets): if not hasattr(observer, '_altaz_cache'): observer._altaz_cache = {} aakey = _make_cache_key(times, 'sun') if aakey not in observer._altaz_cache: try: if self.force_pressure_zero: observer_old_pressure = observer.pressure observer.pressure = 0 # find solar altitude at these times altaz = observer.altaz(times, get_sun(times)) altitude = altaz.alt # cache the altitude observer._altaz_cache[aakey] = dict(times=times, altitude=altitude) finally: if self.force_pressure_zero: observer.pressure = observer_old_pressure else: altitude = observer._altaz_cache[aakey]['altitude'] return altitude
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): solar_altitude = self._get_solar_altitudes(times, observer, targets) mask = solar_altitude <= self.max_solar_altitude return mask
[docs] class GalacticLatitudeConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the distance between the Galactic plane and some targets. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable Galactic latitude of target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable Galactic latitude of target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. """ self.min = min self.max = max
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): separation = abs(targets.transform_to(Galactic).b) if self.min is None and self.max is not None: mask = self.max >= separation elif self.max is None and self.min is not None: mask = self.min <= separation elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: mask = ((self.min <= separation) & (separation <= self.max)) else: raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "GalacticLatitudeConstraint.") return mask
[docs] class SunSeparationConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the distance between the Sun and some targets. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable separation between Sun and target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable separation between Sun and target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. """ self.min = min self.max = max
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): # use get_body rather than get sun here, since # it returns the Sun's coordinates in an observer # centred frame, so the separation is as-seen # by the observer. # 'get_sun' returns ICRS coords. sun = get_body('sun', times, location=observer.location) targets = get_skycoord(targets) solar_separation = sun.separation(targets) if self.min is None and self.max is not None: mask = self.max >= solar_separation elif self.max is None and self.min is not None: mask = self.min <= solar_separation elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: mask = ((self.min <= solar_separation) & (solar_separation <= self.max)) else: raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "SunSeparationConstraint.") return mask
[docs] class MoonSeparationConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the distance between the Earth's moon and some targets. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, ephemeris=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable separation between moon and target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable separation between moon and target (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. ephemeris : str, optional Ephemeris to use. If not given, use the one set with ``astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set`` (which is set to 'builtin' by default). """ self.min = min self.max = max self.ephemeris = ephemeris
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): moon = get_body("moon", times, location=observer.location, ephemeris=self.ephemeris) # note to future editors - the order matters here # moon.separation(targets) is NOT the same as targets.separation(moon) # the former calculates the separation in the frame of the moon coord # which is GCRS, and that is what we want. targets = get_skycoord(targets) moon_separation = moon.separation(targets) if self.min is None and self.max is not None: mask = self.max >= moon_separation elif self.max is None and self.min is not None: mask = self.min <= moon_separation elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: mask = ((self.min <= moon_separation) & (moon_separation <= self.max)) else: raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "MoonSeparationConstraint.") return mask
[docs] class MoonIlluminationConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the fractional illumination of the Earth's moon. Constraint is also satisfied if the Moon has set. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, ephemeris=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : float or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : float or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. ephemeris : str, optional Ephemeris to use. If not given, use the one set with `~astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris` (which is set to 'builtin' by default). """ self.min = min self.max = max self.ephemeris = ephemeris
[docs] @classmethod def dark(cls, min=None, max=0.25, **kwargs): """ initialize a `~astroplan.constraints.MoonIlluminationConstraint` with defaults of no minimum and a maximum of 0.25 Parameters ---------- min : float or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : float or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. """ return cls(min, max, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def grey(cls, min=0.25, max=0.65, **kwargs): """ initialize a `~astroplan.constraints.MoonIlluminationConstraint` with defaults of a minimum of 0.25 and a maximum of 0.65 Parameters ---------- min : float or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : float or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. """ return cls(min, max, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def bright(cls, min=0.65, max=None, **kwargs): """ initialize a `~astroplan.constraints.MoonIlluminationConstraint` with defaults of a minimum of 0.65 and no maximum Parameters ---------- min : float or `None` (optional) Minimum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : float or `None` (optional) Maximum acceptable fractional illumination (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. """ return cls(min, max, **kwargs)
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): # first is the moon up? cached_moon = _get_moon_data(times, observer) moon_alt = cached_moon['altaz'].alt moon_down_mask = moon_alt < 0 moon_up_mask = moon_alt >= 0 illumination = cached_moon['illum'] if self.min is None and self.max is not None: mask = (self.max >= illumination) | moon_down_mask elif self.max is None and self.min is not None: mask = (self.min <= illumination) & moon_up_mask elif self.min is not None and self.max is not None: mask = ((self.min <= illumination) & (illumination <= self.max)) & moon_up_mask else: raise ValueError("No max and/or min specified in " "MoonSeparationConstraint.") return mask
[docs] class LocalTimeConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain the observable hours. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : `~datetime.time` Earliest local time (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~datetime.time` Latest local time (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. Examples -------- Constrain the observations to targets that are observable between 23:50 and 04:08 local time: >>> from astroplan import Observer >>> from astroplan.constraints import LocalTimeConstraint >>> import datetime as dt >>> subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru", timezone="US/Hawaii") >>> # bound times between 23:50 and 04:08 local Hawaiian time >>> constraint = LocalTimeConstraint(min=dt.time(23,50), max=dt.time(4,8)) """ self.min = min self.max = max if self.min is None and self.max is None: raise ValueError("You must at least supply either a minimum or a maximum time.") if self.min is not None: if not isinstance(self.min, datetime.time): raise TypeError("Time limits must be specified as datetime.time objects.") if self.max is not None: if not isinstance(self.max, datetime.time): raise TypeError("Time limits must be specified as datetime.time objects.")
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): timezone = None # get timezone from time objects, or from observer if self.min is not None: timezone = self.min.tzinfo elif self.max is not None: timezone = self.max.tzinfo if timezone is None: timezone = observer.timezone if self.min is not None: min_time = self.min else: min_time = self.min = datetime.time(0, 0, 0) if self.max is not None: max_time = self.max else: max_time = datetime.time(23, 59, 59) # If time limits occur on same day: if min_time < max_time: try: mask = np.array([min_time <= t.time() <= max_time for t in times.datetime]) except BaseException: # use np.bool so shape queries don't cause problems mask = np.bool_(min_time <= times.datetime.time() <= max_time) # If time boundaries straddle midnight: else: try: mask = np.array([(t.time() >= min_time) or (t.time() <= max_time) for t in times.datetime]) except BaseException: mask = np.bool_((times.datetime.time() >= min_time) or (times.datetime.time() <= max_time)) return mask
[docs] class TimeConstraint(Constraint): """Constrain the observing time to be within certain time limits. An example use case for this class would be to associate an acceptable time range with a specific observing block. This can be useful if not all observing blocks are valid over the time limits used in calls to `is_observable` or `is_always_observable`. """ def __init__(self, min=None, max=None): """ Parameters ---------- min : `~astropy.time.Time` Earliest time (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. max : `~astropy.time.Time` Latest time (inclusive). `None` indicates no limit. Examples -------- Constrain the observations to targets that are observable between 2016-03-28 and 2016-03-30: >>> from astroplan import Observer >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> subaru = Observer.at_site("Subaru") >>> t1 = Time("2016-03-28T12:00:00") >>> t2 = Time("2016-03-30T12:00:00") >>> constraint = TimeConstraint(t1,t2) """ self.min = min self.max = max if self.min is None and self.max is None: raise ValueError("You must at least supply either a minimum or a " "maximum time.") if self.min is not None: if not isinstance(self.min, Time): raise TypeError("Time limits must be specified as " "astropy.time.Time objects.") if self.max is not None: if not isinstance(self.max, Time): raise TypeError("Time limits must be specified as " "astropy.time.Time objects.")
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer, targets): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') min_time = Time("1950-01-01T00:00:00") if self.min is None else self.min max_time = Time("2120-01-01T00:00:00") if self.max is None else self.max mask = np.logical_and(times > min_time, times < max_time) return mask
[docs] class PrimaryEclipseConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain observations to times during primary eclipse. """ def __init__(self, eclipsing_system): """ Parameters ---------- eclipsing_system : `~astroplan.periodic.EclipsingSystem` System which must be in primary eclipse. """ self.eclipsing_system = eclipsing_system
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer=None, targets=None): mask = self.eclipsing_system.in_primary_eclipse(times) return mask
[docs] class SecondaryEclipseConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain observations to times during secondary eclipse. """ def __init__(self, eclipsing_system): """ Parameters ---------- eclipsing_system : `~astroplan.periodic.EclipsingSystem` System which must be in secondary eclipse. """ self.eclipsing_system = eclipsing_system
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer=None, targets=None): mask = self.eclipsing_system.in_secondary_eclipse(times) return mask
[docs] class PhaseConstraint(Constraint): """ Constrain observations to times in some range of phases for a periodic event (e.g.~transiting exoplanets, eclipsing binaries). """ def __init__(self, periodic_event, min=None, max=None): """ Parameters ---------- periodic_event : `~astroplan.periodic.PeriodicEvent` or subclass System on which to compute the phase. For example, the system could be an eclipsing or non-eclipsing binary, or exoplanet system. min : float (optional) Minimum phase (inclusive) on interval [0, 1). Default is zero. max : float (optional) Maximum phase (inclusive) on interval [0, 1). Default is one. Examples -------- To constrain observations on orbital phases between 0.4 and 0.6, >>> from astroplan import PeriodicEvent >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> import astropy.units as u >>> binary = PeriodicEvent(epoch=Time('2017-01-01 02:00'), period=1* >>> constraint = PhaseConstraint(binary, min=0.4, max=0.6) The minimum and maximum phase must be described on the interval [0, 1). To constrain observations on orbital phases between 0.6 and 1.2, for example, you should subtract one from the second number: >>> constraint = PhaseConstraint(binary, min=0.6, max=0.2) """ self.periodic_event = periodic_event if (min < 0) or (min > 1) or (max < 0) or (max > 1): raise ValueError('The minimum of the PhaseConstraint must be within' ' the interval [0, 1).') self.min = min if min is not None else 0.0 self.max = max if max is not None else 1.0
[docs] def compute_constraint(self, times, observer=None, targets=None): phase = self.periodic_event.phase(times) mask = np.where(self.max > self.min, (phase >= self.min) & (phase <= self.max), (phase >= self.min) | (phase <= self.max)) return mask
[docs] def is_always_observable(constraints, observer, targets, times=None, time_range=None, time_grid_resolution=0.5*u.hour): """ A function to determine whether ``targets`` are always observable throughout ``time_range`` given constraints in the ``constraints_list`` for a particular ``observer``. Parameters ---------- constraints : list or `~astroplan.constraints.Constraint` Observational constraint(s) observer : `~astroplan.Observer` The observer who has constraints ``constraints`` targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`} Target or list of targets times : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Array of times on which to test the constraint time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Lower and upper bounds on time sequence, with spacing ``time_resolution``. This will be passed as the first argument into `~astroplan.time_grid_from_range`. time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) If ``time_range`` is specified, determine whether constraints are met between test times in ``time_range`` by checking constraint at linearly-spaced times separated by ``time_resolution``. Default is 0.5 hours. Returns ------- ever_observable : list List of booleans of same length as ``targets`` for whether or not each target is observable in the time range given the constraints. """ if not hasattr(constraints, '__len__'): constraints = [constraints] applied_constraints = [constraint(observer, targets, times=times, time_range=time_range, time_grid_resolution=time_grid_resolution, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints) return np.all(constraint_arr, axis=1)
[docs] def is_observable(constraints, observer, targets, times=None, time_range=None, time_grid_resolution=0.5*u.hour): """ Determines if the ``targets`` are observable during ``time_range`` given constraints in ``constraints_list`` for a particular ``observer``. Parameters ---------- constraints : list or `~astroplan.constraints.Constraint` Observational constraint(s) observer : `~astroplan.Observer` The observer who has constraints ``constraints`` targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`} Target or list of targets times : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Array of times on which to test the constraint time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Lower and upper bounds on time sequence, with spacing ``time_resolution``. This will be passed as the first argument into `~astroplan.time_grid_from_range`. time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) If ``time_range`` is specified, determine whether constraints are met between test times in ``time_range`` by checking constraint at linearly-spaced times separated by ``time_resolution``. Default is 0.5 hours. Returns ------- ever_observable : list List of booleans of same length as ``targets`` for whether or not each target is ever observable in the time range given the constraints. """ if not hasattr(constraints, '__len__'): constraints = [constraints] applied_constraints = [constraint(observer, targets, times=times, time_range=time_range, time_grid_resolution=time_grid_resolution, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints) return np.any(constraint_arr, axis=1)
[docs] def is_event_observable(constraints, observer, target, times=None, times_ingress_egress=None): """ Determines if the ``target`` is observable at each time in ``times``, given constraints in ``constraints`` for a particular ``observer``. Parameters ---------- constraints : list or `~astroplan.constraints.Constraint` Observational constraint(s) observer : `~astroplan.Observer` The observer who has constraints ``constraints`` target : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`} Target times : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Array of mid-event times on which to test the constraints times_ingress_egress : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Array of ingress and egress times for ``N`` events, with shape (``N``, 2). Returns ------- event_observable : `~numpy.ndarray` Array of booleans of same length as ``times`` for whether or not the target is ever observable at each time, given the constraints. """ if not hasattr(constraints, '__len__'): constraints = [constraints] if times is not None: applied_constraints = [constraint(observer, target, times=times, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints) else: times_ing = times_ingress_egress[:, 0] times_egr = times_ingress_egress[:, 1] applied_constraints_ing = [constraint(observer, target, times=times_ing, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] applied_constraints_egr = [constraint(observer, target, times=times_egr, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and(np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints_ing), np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints_egr)) return constraint_arr
[docs] def months_observable(constraints, observer, targets, time_range=_current_year_time_range, time_grid_resolution=0.5*u.hour): """ Determines which month the specified ``targets`` are observable for a specific ``observer``, given the supplied ``constraints``. Parameters ---------- constraints : list or `~astroplan.constraints.Constraint` Observational constraint(s) observer : `~astroplan.Observer` The observer who has constraints ``constraints`` targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`} Target or list of targets time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Lower and upper bounds on time sequence If ``time_range`` is not specified, defaults to current year (localtime) time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) If ``time_range`` is specified, determine whether constraints are met between test times in ``time_range`` by checking constraint at linearly-spaced times separated by ``time_resolution``. Default is 0.5 hours. Returns ------- observable_months : list List of sets of unique integers representing each month that a target is observable, one set per target. These integers are 1-based so that January maps to 1, February maps to 2, etc. """ # TODO: This method could be sped up a lot by dropping to the trigonometric # altitude calculations. if not hasattr(constraints, '__len__'): constraints = [constraints] times = time_grid_from_range(time_range, time_grid_resolution) # If the constraints don't include AltitudeConstraint or its subclasses, # warn the user that they may get months when the target is below the horizon altitude_constraint_supplied = any( [isinstance(constraint, AltitudeConstraint) for constraint in constraints] ) if not altitude_constraint_supplied: message = ("months_observable usually expects an AltitudeConstraint or " "AirmassConstraint to ensure targets are above horizon.") warnings.warn(message, MissingConstraintWarning) # TODO: This method could be sped up a lot by dropping to the trigonometric # altitude calculations. applied_constraints = [constraint(observer, targets, times=times, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints) months_observable = [] for target, observable in zip(targets, constraint_arr): s = set([t.datetime.month for t in times[observable]]) months_observable.append(s) return months_observable
[docs] def observability_table(constraints, observer, targets, times=None, time_range=None, time_grid_resolution=0.5*u.hour): """ Creates a table with information about observability for all the ``targets`` over the requested ``time_range``, given the constraints in ``constraints_list`` for ``observer``. Parameters ---------- constraints : list or `~astroplan.constraints.Constraint` Observational constraint(s) observer : `~astroplan.Observer` The observer who has constraints ``constraints`` targets : {list, `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, `~astroplan.FixedTarget`} Target or list of targets times : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Array of times on which to test the constraint time_range : `~astropy.time.Time` (optional) Lower and upper bounds on time sequence, with spacing ``time_resolution``. This will be passed as the first argument into `~astroplan.time_grid_from_range`. If a single (scalar) time, the table will be for a 24 hour period centered on that time. time_grid_resolution : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional) If ``time_range`` is specified, determine whether constraints are met between test times in ``time_range`` by checking constraint at linearly-spaced times separated by ``time_resolution``. Default is 0.5 hours. Returns ------- observability_table : `~astropy.table.Table` A Table containing the observability information for each of the ``targets``. The table contains four columns with information about the target and it's observability: ``'target name'``, ``'ever observable'``, ``'always observable'``, and ``'fraction of time observable'``. The column ``'time observable'`` will also be present if the ``time_range`` is given as a scalar. It also contains metadata entries ``'times'`` (with an array of all the times), ``'observer'`` (the `~astroplan.Observer` object), and ``'constraints'`` (containing the supplied ``constraints``). """ if not hasattr(constraints, '__len__'): constraints = [constraints] is_24hr_table = False if hasattr(time_range, 'isscalar') and time_range.isscalar: time_range = (time_range-12*u.hour, time_range+12*u.hour) is_24hr_table = True applied_constraints = [constraint(observer, targets, times=times, time_range=time_range, time_grid_resolution=time_grid_resolution, grid_times_targets=True) for constraint in constraints] constraint_arr = np.logical_and.reduce(applied_constraints) colnames = ['target name', 'ever observable', 'always observable', 'fraction of time observable'] target_names = [ for target in targets] ever_obs = np.any(constraint_arr, axis=1) always_obs = np.all(constraint_arr, axis=1) frac_obs = np.sum(constraint_arr, axis=1) / constraint_arr.shape[1] tab = table.Table(names=colnames, data=[target_names, ever_obs, always_obs, frac_obs]) if times is None and time_range is not None: times = time_grid_from_range(time_range, time_resolution=time_grid_resolution) if is_24hr_table: tab['time observable'] = tab['fraction of time observable'] * 24*u.hour tab.meta['times'] = times.datetime tab.meta['observer'] = observer tab.meta['constraints'] = constraints return tab
[docs] def min_best_rescale(vals, min_val, max_val, less_than_min=1): """ rescales an input array ``vals`` to be a score (between zero and one), where the ``min_val`` goes to one, and the ``max_val`` goes to zero. Parameters ---------- vals : array-like the values that need to be rescaled to be between 0 and 1 min_val : float worst acceptable value (rescales to 0) max_val : float best value cared about (rescales to 1) less_than_min : 0 or 1 what is returned for ``vals`` below ``min_val``. (in some cases anything less than ``min_val`` should also return one, in some cases it should return zero) Returns ------- array of floats between 0 and 1 inclusive rescaled so that ``vals`` equal to ``max_val`` equal 0 and those equal to ``min_val`` equal 1 Examples -------- rescale airmasses to between 0 and 1, with the best (1) and worst (2.25). All values outside the range should return 0. >>> from astroplan.constraints import min_best_rescale >>> import numpy as np >>> airmasses = np.array([1, 1.5, 2, 3, 0]) >>> min_best_rescale(airmasses, 1, 2.25, less_than_min = 0) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([ 1. , 0.6, 0.2, 0. , 0. ]) """ rescaled = (vals - max_val) / (min_val - max_val) below = vals < min_val above = vals > max_val rescaled[below] = less_than_min rescaled[above] = 0 return rescaled
[docs] def max_best_rescale(vals, min_val, max_val, greater_than_max=1): """ rescales an input array ``vals`` to be a score (between zero and one), where the ``max_val`` goes to one, and the ``min_val`` goes to zero. Parameters ---------- vals : array-like the values that need to be rescaled to be between 0 and 1 min_val : float worst acceptable value (rescales to 0) max_val : float best value cared about (rescales to 1) greater_than_max : 0 or 1 what is returned for ``vals`` above ``max_val``. (in some cases anything higher than ``max_val`` should also return one, in some cases it should return zero) Returns ------- array of floats between 0 and 1 inclusive rescaled so that ``vals`` equal to ``min_val`` equal 0 and those equal to ``max_val`` equal 1 Examples -------- rescale an array of altitudes to be between 0 and 1, with the best (60) going to 1 and worst (35) going to 0. For values outside the range, the rescale should return 0 below 35 and 1 above 60. >>> from astroplan.constraints import max_best_rescale >>> import numpy as np >>> altitudes = np.array([20, 30, 40, 45, 55, 70]) >>> max_best_rescale(altitudes, 35, 60) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([ 0. , 0. , 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1. ]) """ rescaled = (vals - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) below = vals < min_val above = vals > max_val rescaled[below] = 0 rescaled[above] = greater_than_max return rescaled