# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time
import warnings
from ..exceptions import PlotBelowHorizonWarning
from ..utils import _set_mpl_style_sheet
__all__ = ['plot_sky', 'plot_sky_24hr']
def plot_sky(target, observer, time, ax=None, style_kwargs=None,
north_to_east_ccw=True, grid=True, az_label_offset=0.0*u.deg,
warn_below_horizon=False, style_sheet=None):
Plots target positions in the sky with respect to the observer's location.
If a `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object already exists, plots an additional
target position on top.
Otherwise, creates a new `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object with a sky plot.
Can pass in a scalar `~astropy.time.Time` object (e.g. ``Time('2000-1-1')``)
or an array of length one (e.g. ``Time(['2000-1-1'])``) to get plot at one
instance in time.
If pass in an `~astropy.time.Time` object with multiple instances of time
(e.g. ``Time(['2000-1-1 20:00:00', '2000-1-1 20:30:00'])``), target's
position will be shown at each of these times.
For examples with plots, visit the documentation of :ref:`plots_sky_charts`.
target : `~astroplan.FixedTarget`
The celestial body of interest.
observer : `~astroplan.Observer`
The person, telescope, observatory, etc. doing the observing.
time : `~astropy.time.Time`
If pass in an `~astropy.time.Time` object with just one instance in
time, whether it be a scalar or an array (e.g. ``Time('2000-1-1')``,
``Time(['2000-1-1'])``, ``[Time('2000-1-1')]``),
`~astroplan.plots.plot_sky` will return plot at one instance in
time. If pass in an `~astropy.time.Time` object with multiple
instances in time (e.g. ``Time(['2000-1-1', '2000-1-2'])``) will
show positions plotted at the exact times specified.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or None, optional.
The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object to be drawn on.
If None, uses the current `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`.
style_kwargs : dict or None, optional.
A dictionary of keywords passed into `~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`
to set plotting styles.
north_to_east_ccw : bool, optional.
True by default, meaning that azimuth is shown increasing
counter-clockwise (CCW), or with North at top, East at left, etc.
To show azimuth increasing clockwise (CW), set to False.
grid : bool, optional.
True by default, meaning that grid is drawn.
az_label_offset : ``~astropy.units.degree``, optional.
DANGER: It is not recommended that you change the default behavior,
as to do so makes it seem as if N/E/S/W are being decoupled from the
definition of azimuth (North from az = 0 deg., East from az = 90 deg.,
An offset for azimuth labels from the North label. A positive
offset will increase in the same direction as azimuth
(see ``north_to_east_ccw`` option).
warn_below_horizon : bool, optional
If `False`, don't show warnings when attempting to plot targets below
the horzion.
style_sheet : dict or `None` (optional)
matplotlib style sheet to use. To see available style sheets in
astroplan, print *astroplan.plots.available_style_sheets*. Defaults
to the light theme.
An `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object (ax) with a map of the sky.
Using `~astropy.time.Time` objects:
See `Astropy`_ documentation for more details.
Coordinate defaults:
Altazimuth (local horizon) coordinate system. North is always at top
of plot, South is always at the bottom, E/W can be right or left
depending on the ``north_to_east_cw`` option.
Altitude: 90 degrees (zenith) is at plot origin (center) and 0 degrees
(horizon) is at plot edge. This cannot be changed by user.
Azimuth: 0 degrees is at North (top of plot), 90 degrees at East, etc.
DANGER: Azimuth labels can be changed by user via the
``az_label_offset`` option, but it is not recommended, as to do so
makes it seem as if N/E/S/W are being decoupled from the definition
of azimuth (North from az = 0 deg., East from az = 90 deg., etc.).
# Import matplotlib, set style sheet
if style_sheet is not None:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Set up axes & plot styles if needed.
if ax is None:
if isinstance(plt.gca(), plt.PolarAxes):
ax = plt.gca()
fig = plt.gcf()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='polar')
if style_kwargs is None:
style_kwargs = {}
style_kwargs = dict(style_kwargs)
style_kwargs.setdefault('marker', 'o')
# Turn scalar Time objects into arrays.
time = Time(time)
if time.isscalar:
time = Time([time])
# Grab altitude and azimuth from Astroplan objects.
# Note that values must be made dimensionless before plotting.
# Modifying altitude is easier than inverting r-axis.
altitude = (91 * u.deg - observer.altaz(time, target).alt) * (1/u.deg)
# Azimuth MUST be given to plot() in radians.
azimuth = observer.altaz(time, target).az * (1/u.deg) * (np.pi/180.0)
# Some checks & info for labels.
if not hasattr(target, 'name'):
target_name = ''
target_name = target.name
style_kwargs.setdefault('label', target_name)
# We only want to plot positions above the horizon.
az_plot = None
for alt in range(0, len(altitude)):
if altitude[alt] > 91.0:
if warn_below_horizon:
msg = 'Target "{0}" is below the horizon at time: {1}'
msg = msg.format(target_name if target_name else 'Unknown Name',
warnings.warn(msg, PlotBelowHorizonWarning)
if az_plot is None:
az_plot = np.array([azimuth[alt]])
az_plot = np.append(az_plot, azimuth[alt])
alt_plot = altitude[altitude <= 91.0]
if az_plot is None:
az_plot = []
# More axes set-up.
# Position of azimuth = 0 (data, not label).
# Direction of azimuth increase. Clockwise is -1
if north_to_east_ccw is False:
# Plot target coordinates.
ax.scatter(az_plot, alt_plot, **style_kwargs)
# Set radial limits.
ax.set_rlim(1, 91)
# Grid, ticks & labels.
# May need to set ticks and labels AFTER plotting points.
if grid is True:
ax.grid(True, which='major')
if grid is False:
degree_sign = u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}'
# For positively-increasing range (e.g., range(1, 90, 15)),
# labels go from middle to outside.
r_labels = [
'90' + degree_sign,
'60' + degree_sign,
'30' + degree_sign,
'0' + degree_sign + ' Alt.',
theta_labels = []
for chunk in range(0, 7):
label_angle = (az_label_offset*(1/u.deg)) + (chunk*45.0)
while label_angle >= 360.0:
label_angle -= 360.0
if chunk == 0:
theta_labels.append('N ' + '\n' + str(label_angle) + degree_sign
+ ' Az')
elif chunk == 2:
theta_labels.append('E' + '\n' + str(label_angle) + degree_sign)
elif chunk == 4:
theta_labels.append('S' + '\n' + str(label_angle) + degree_sign)
elif chunk == 6:
theta_labels.append('W' + '\n' + str(label_angle) + degree_sign)
theta_labels.append(str(label_angle) + degree_sign)
# Set ticks and labels.
ax.set_rgrids(range(1, 106, 15), r_labels, angle=-45)
ax.set_thetagrids(range(0, 360, 45), theta_labels)
# Below commands don't seem to work for setting ticks/labels.
# ax.rgrids(range(1, 91, 15), r_labels, angle=-45)
# ax.thetagrids(range(0, 360, 45), theta_labels)
# Redraw the figure for interactive sessions.
return ax
def plot_sky_24hr(target, observer, time, delta=1*u.hour, ax=None,
style_kwargs=None, north_to_east_ccw=True, grid=True,
az_label_offset=0.0*u.deg, center_time_style_kwargs=None):
Plots target positions in the sky with respect to the observer's location
over a twenty-four hour period centered on ``time``.
target : `~astroplan.FixedTarget`
The celestial body of interest.
observer: `~astroplan.Observer`
The person, telescope, observatory, etc. doing the observing.
time : `~astropy.time.Time`
If pass in an `~astropy.time.Time` object with just one instance in
time, whether it be a scalar or an array (e.g. ``Time('2000-1-1')``,
``Time(['2000-1-1'])``, ``[Time('2000-1-1')]``),
`~astroplan.plots.plot_sky` will return plot at one instance in
time. If pass in an `~astropy.time.Time` object with multiple
instances in time (e.g. ``Time(['2000-1-1', '2000-1-2'])``) will
show positions plotted at the exact times specified.
delta : `~astropy.units.Quantity` (optional)
Interval between times plotted.
ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or None, optional.
The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object to be drawn on.
If None, uses the current `~matplotlib.axes.Axes`.
style_kwargs : dict or None, optional.
A dictionary of keywords passed into `~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`
to set plotting styles.
north_to_east_ccw : bool, optional.
True by default, meaning that azimuth is shown increasing
counter-clockwise (CCW), or with North at top, East at left, etc.
To show azimuth increasing clockwise (CW), set to False.
grid : bool, optional.
True by default, meaning that grid is drawn.
az_label_offset : ``~astropy.units.degree``, optional.
DANGER: It is not recommended that you change the default behavior,
as to do so makes it seem as if N/E/S/W are being decoupled from the
definition of azimuth (North from az = 0 deg., East from az = 90 deg.,
An offset for azimuth labels from the North label. A positive
offset will increase in the same direction as azimuth
(see ``north_to_east_ccw`` option).
center_time_style_kwargs : dict or `None` (optional)
Dictionary of style keyword arguments to pass to
`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` to set plotting style of the point at
time ``time``.
An `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object (ax) with a map of the sky.
time_range = np.arange(-12, 12, delta.to(u.hour).value)*u.hour + time
ax = plot_sky(target, observer, time_range, ax=ax,
north_to_east_ccw=north_to_east_ccw, grid=grid,
if center_time_style_kwargs is not None:
ax = plot_sky(target, observer, time, ax=ax,
north_to_east_ccw=north_to_east_ccw, grid=grid,
return ax